Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weekend Trip

So. I booked it. The most complicated 24 hour trip ever. Why so complicated? Because getting to the Isle of May is apparently a big deal. 7am Friday morning I take a train to Leuchars, then a bus to St. Andrews, and then another bus to Anstruther. If I get to Anstruther before 10am, then I try to get a ticket on the Isle of May Ferry. Otherwise, I head back to St. Andrews and check into my SYHA hostel and try for the 10:45am departure on Saturday.

Yes, I was just at St. Andrews this past weekend, but it's the closest hostel to Anstruther that'll take singles! Now I'll get a chance to see the golf museum and take the Witches tour, lol.

Besides, I like St. Andrews. It has a beach town sort of feel to it.

My plans were moved up by a day, since I have a former Camden coworker visiting on Sunday. 'Need to be back to Edinburgh by Sunday evening.

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